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Who are Fun and Fearless classes designed for?

Fun and Fearless classes are for everyone—all ages, any fitness level.

Exercise is always about injury prevention. Modifications are demonstrated throughout the class so that everyone enjoys their experience and leaves feeling successful.

How are Fun and Fearless classes delivered?

Currently, classes are virtual, using

Live classes are in northwest Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Post Covid19, classes will continue as a hybrid model, each class being a combination of virtual and live. The advantage is that students can attend from anywhere—even on vacation!

Will Fun and Fearless classes be recorded for access at another time.

No, classes are not currently being recorded for that purpose.

How much room do I need in my home to participate?

We are all limited to small workout spaces, even the Instructor. Classes are created with that consideration in mind. The length of space that you would need to “travel” in a class is equal to the length of a long yoga mat.

What equipment do I need to participate in classes?

Barre and Kettlebell Training:

Barre and Kettlebell Training classes require a yoga mat/towel, hand-held weights, barefoot, workout shoes, or yoga socks with grips, and water.

In the absence of a ballet barre, a sturdy chair is perfect substitution.

We often utilize a small Pilates ball, glider disks, and resistant tubing in class. If you don’t have access to such equipment, there are several substitutions around your home. Be creative! Your local ‘Dollar Store’ will often have some of what you need.

Weights – canned goods, plastic drink bottles filled with sand or liquid.

Pilates ball – rolled up towel, thick roll of paper towel (with the tube stuffed to make sturdy), small throw cushion, bed bolster, children’s ‘Dollar Store’ beach ball.

Glider disks – paper plate, dry wash cloth/small towel.

Exercise tubing – long bungee cord, long, wide sewing elastic.

Kettlebell Training:

It is beneficial to have a kettlebell for Kettlebell Training classes, but you can try the class a few times at first simply using a dumbbell to get a feel for the program. Kettlebells are reasonable priced. Most students begin their training journey with a 10kg (22lb) kettlebell. Here in Calgary, Alberta, they are around $2.00+ per kg.

Comfortable clothing recommended for all workouts

Nordic Walking:

Nordic walking is an outdoor activity.

Nordic walking poles are available for use in class. They are sanitized between classes. Class size is dependent on current AHS (Alberta Health Services) Covid-19 related guidelines.

Dress appropriately for weather conditions. Comfortable clothing, suitable footwear, and, depending on the season, you may want to bring a hat, sunscreen, and insect repellant. Don’t forget your water bottle!

How do I access Zoom?

Zoom is so easy to use, it’s free, and requires minimal information to set up an account.

Simply go to and follow the directions. It is best to set your account up on your computer, making all the necessary setup adjustments there. If you decide to access your workouts from your smartphone or tablet, download the Zoom app to your device and your settings follow you there.

Please ensure that your volume is high to sure that you can hear the class.