About Lorene





Personal Trainer, SCW

Certified Master Coach Practitioner, Certified Coaches Federation

CPR Certified


Healthy Eating and Weight Loss Coach, Canfitpro

bodyFit Beyond the Scale

Active Aging Nutrition, SCW

Hormones and Metabolism, SCW


Human Reformer Pilates™

Barre Above® with Pilates Focus

Barre Above® Level 2

KBA Instructor Level 1, Kettlebell Kickboxing Canada

Kettlebell Training, SCW

Pumped Up Strength, Savvier Fitness

I Am Ageless Now™, Leslee Bender Fitness

Chair One, Chair One Fitness


Master Trainer, Nordic Walking, Urban Poling Canada

Let’s FACE It Together™ (LFIT) Facial Exercise

Piloxing Instructor, Piloxing


Older Adult Fitness (Course), AFLCA

Innovative Programming for Seniors, 3B Senior Fitness Ltd.

Functional Independence Training, AFLCA

Active Aging Movement Coach, SCW


Co-Author – “Fear Less”, March 2021, GBR Publishing

My Story

If my former high school buddies could see me now…….

…they would never believe the shy, awkward, sport-averse student they knew back then would become a successful fitness instructor, wellness coach, and author.

So how did I get here? I started where you are standing right now: intimidated to venture into a fitness class for fear that everyone would be in better shape than me. One evening my sister and her room mate were going to a Jazzercise class and invited me to tag along. Jazzercise is a fitness program designed for students of all ages and fitness abilities. The first step to overcoming my fear was not having to face it alone. There were indeed people in the class that were fitter, more coordinated and had nicer workout wear than me, and it was perfectly fine. We were there because we wanted to improve and it was that motivation, to become a fitter version of ourselves, that united this disparate group of strangers – many of whom are now close friends.

After years of encouragement by some of my Instructors, in 2003 I joined the international community of Jazzercise Instructors – a journey that would continue for 15 years. As an instructor, I was hooked on the idea that I could positively influence students to get into better shape and lead healthier, more active lives. Over the years, fitness trends, exercise science and lifestyle preferences have changed. My fitness education has evolved to include the Alberta Fitness Leadership Certification (AFLCA), the Canadian Fitness Professional Certification (CANFITPRO) and multiple program-specific certifications that enable me to lead students to improved health and fitness head to toe; inside and out.

Since 2003, my passion for health and fitness has never waned. In fact, without a doubt, it has become stronger, although my motivation has changed. I watched my Dad, strong both physically and mentally, successfully experience a hip replacement in his late 80’s, only to lose his battle to cancer at age 90. My Mom, not physically strong and with multiple health challenges, fell, broke her hip, and spent her final two years in assisted living– something she vowed she would never do. My siblings and I have personally experienced the mental anguish and physical burnout of being family caregivers. We have also experienced first-hand the important role exercise plays in quality of life.

As we age, fitness becomes less about how we look and more about how we feel.  It is about building our strength, and by extension, our confidence, so we can travel, garden, hike with the dog, play with grandchildren and enjoy our independence. Exercise builds core strength and improves balance, reducing the risk of injury. It stimulates us mentally and generates happy hormones that contribute to a positive outlook.

Scary Bunny Health and Wellness is much more than exercise. It’s about belonging to a community of like-minded people who are open-minded, active, and enjoying new experiences and all life has to offer. . .because they can!

Won’t you join us?

Your ‘fearless’ leader,


Your Scary Bunny Team

Lorene Hughes

Lorene Hughes

Fear-Less Leader, Scary Bunny

Sharon Hughes-Geekie

Sharon Hughes-Geekie

Brave Business Developer



Not-so-Scary Bunny